Tuesday, March 31, 2015


YESTERDAY afternoon, while at the bank, I met a Maths lecturer from the university (whom I taught with for two semesters).
I heard from other peers that he was leaving the university to attend to his own projects back home in the San Kamap province (Bougainville).
“You’re leaving?” I asked.
“Yes. I want to move out before anything bad happens. Too many lecturers are falling down … you know, from too much stress, I guess,” he said.

Last week, on Jan 2, I had a tooth extracted, the second in 14 years.
I was surprised when I went to the dentistry section to see a girl of five who was there to have her tooth looked at (possibly to be extracted too). She was there with her mother (in her late 20s) who wanted hers extracted.
Before I went there, I was informed the night before that the younger brother of a colleague, a teenager, had one of his taken out some months ago.
“Young people are eating the wrong stuff today, hence the need for early extraction,” a colleague said.

Over the past few weeks, I also noticed ads/news on young people appealing for funds to seek an operation out of the country.
Of course, in many cases, the medical problems may be hereditary – something that they have no concern over.
However, I am sure, in some cases the problems were brought on to people by their own careless living – not being careful on what they eat, drink, etc as well as not getting enough rest and exercise. (Careless living proves expensive in the long run – if not to you, it will be to your family!)
And then, there are those who are stressed because of other people’s carelessness – that is unfortunate, but that happens too.
What I am saying is – TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODIES, watch what you eat, drink and get enough rest and exercise.
For some of us, our bodies (and psychological make-up) are more vulnerable than others because we are “wired up” differently.
We cannot do what everybody is doing.
(I had a student who had a medical problem but tried to do everything that his peers in the police force were doing. As a result, he got sicker.)
Let us learn and live longer and add value to our families, communities and country.
With that, I wish you all a nice weekend.
Stay fit, Stay safe, Be creative.
Bon week-end!

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