Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Schweitzer ... he looked beyond the horizon 

LEARN AND LIVE ITEM FOR JANUARY 16 ... LOOK BEYOND THE HORIZON TO HELP ... IF you are still in school, just note some of the things discussed in this article. It will prepare you for a career that you will enjoy doing.
So why does anyone want a job? To earn some money that will help the family. Others choose careers because it will fit in with their lifestyle.
Some do not have any choice and take what is offered. And there are others who seek something that gives them some satisfaction – as in serving others.
Listen to many around you talk and you will find that their goals in life do not go beyond where the eyes can see.
I urge you to look beyond.
If you take the time to look, you will see that there are millions who live more desperate lives than those outside of your home who say they are struggling.
Let me tell you about a man who was in a position to make decisions regarding his future career.
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1964) was born in Germany. He was the son of a Lutheran pastor and growing up in a clergy’s home, he was advantaged in his church’s teachings. Later he studied the subject as a young man. He played the organ very well, having learned it from some of the best teachers in the land.
He was particularly fond of music by the great Johann Sebastian Bach, a fellow countryman.  
Before Schweitzer was 30, he was already a doctor in theology and music. He served in a number of different churches and was an author of books.
One day, as he was out walking in the park in a town called Colmar, he came across a statue of an African man.
His thoughts then were to go to Africa and help the people there as a medical missionary.
He realised that there were people who were “dying for the mere need of choloroquine and penicillin”.
So at the age of 30, he entered medical school to study to become a doctor so that he could go to Africa and help the people there.
People told him to remain in Germany where many prestigious churches could have him as pastor. But he saw beyond the horizon. He knew there were millions out there who needed medicine.
In 1952, Schweitzer received the Nobel Peace Prize for his beliefs and work.
The world recognised his efforts because he saw beyond the horizon.
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