Tuesday, October 1, 2013


FOR SEPT 26 ...
MANY students are anxious before exam time.
Here are more reminders on preparing yourself for the exam day.
Firstly, sleep early before the exam day. Do not go beyond midnight cramming in stuff. Remember that if you have planned your study time well in the weeks before exam time, there would be no need for you to do that. If you have to do a quick review, you can do that one hour before breakfast. (If you believe in God, say a prayer then.)

Secondly, have a positive mindset when you enter the exam room. If you have been committed in your studies, you should do 70% of the questions without any real difficulty. (That is my estimation.)
A teacher said when you walk into the exam room, do not worry about things that you did not go over, possibly because of insufficient time. It does not help now to worry about those.

Thirdly, make sure you have all if you need – biros, pencils, eraser, a good ruler and in Maths courses, you may need a protractor and calculator (for higher levels). You can bring along your own clock/watch too.

Fourthly, get to the exam venue 15 minutes before starting time and when you enter, choose a good spot where you would not be distracted from outside noises or poor lighting.

Now, these are tips you can use to do your exam paper. Let us say the exam is a three-hour paper.
Firstly, take 10 minutes to browse through the exam paper. This is the reading time. Ensure that all the pages of the exam booklet(s) is intact. (You can say a prayer here too.)

Secondly, take another 15 minutes to quickly go through questions and mark with pencil those that seem easy. Those are the ones you do first. You know - you do not need to answer questions in the order that they are listed.
Start with the easier ones first. Like I said earlier, if you prepared well for the exam, 70% of the questions should be easy to do. That is the first round, so to speak, and should take about one hour thirty minutes.
If your exams has three parts, where one part is comprised of multiple choice questions, do not take all the time just to do that part. Spread your time fairly – depending on how many marks would be obtained where.

Thirdly, after completing the easy questions, now attempt the remaining questions.
It is likely that some of those seemingly hard questions would not be that hard after you have a good look at them.
However, there would be a few that you may not understand at all. Leave those for last.

Fourthly, with about half an hour on the clock, quickly review all your answers – from rounds 1 and 2.
With about fifteen minutes on the clock, write something (anything) for an answer in the two or three questions that you found difficult. Do not leave any question blank.
In multiple choices, make a good guess and fill in all the answer spaces.
That should take you to the end of the exam time.

After the exams, do not bother yourself with what you did not write. There is nothing more you can do now.
Pray and get ready for the next paper that you would sit.

Next item: Be careful with activities after the exam

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