Tuesday, May 21, 2013


THIS post was originally posted in Pacific Indigenous Writers, a page in Facebook.

ON good days, you can have a lot of ideas bouncing around in your mind.
Be prepared for those days … and when the ideas, storylines or plots come, jot them down quickly (in a notebook, note pad, anything) before they disappear.

Today as I was going to take my shower before coming to work (I start at 2.00pm), I had this wonderful plot or storyline emerging.
It is not new though. And it is built around things that are of interest to me – music, education and reaching out to help others, as well as about the difficult times that affect millions of people in our country … and other parts of the world.
It is about a prisoner coming out of a good number of years of serving a sentence for manslaughter and finding it hard to adapt to a world that has changed in the decade he was away.
When the time is right, you will know more about the storyline.

I still have to get other stuff (that I am working on) out of the way before I concentrate on developing the storyline and characters.

My point of sharing all these is that you, as an aspiring writer, should keep your mind sharp and open – you must remain vigilant.
There will be moments when the heavens will open and your storylines will appear. Just be ready to pen them while they are fresh. Then gradually, slowly, consistently you develop the story.

And it is going to be a “personal” project.
Nobody needs to know about it – and possible nobody will be encouraging you to develop that. You must develop that yourself.
You saw the “light” – nobody did, so do something about the “light”.


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